Hey wonderful Internet peoples,
I'm noticing that my blog posts are starting to take on more of the format of a letter or diary entry, heh heh. Well, I guess it's become easier to write if I imagine who I'm writing to. (Harks back to what I learned back in graduate school about "Purpose and Audience" being the two pillars of writing...but that's a discussion for another time...but the short story is that you always need to consider purpose and audience to successfully write or understand writing.)
So yeah, the point of this post: Attack on Titan was more like an attack on my feelings! This show was really really good. There's so much room for analysis and interpretation of the metaphors available aplenty to satisfy the English teacher in me, and the characters are so well-developed and interesting delighting the reader in me, and there's a ton of action and violence which touches my shounen (young boy) heart. However, I think there may have been too much violence and gore. My boyfriend and I basically marathoned almost the entire series yesterday and finished season one. Then we started another bloody series called Tokyo Ghoul. I think in the end, I got an action and death overload, and it disturbed my sleep and even this morning while I'm at work. I'm tense! I can't stop thinking about Attack on Titan, but I kind of wish I could because I might be slightly traumatized, lol.
Anyways, there's a lot cool stuff in this anime like all the stuff I mentioned above and also beautiful graphics, amazing setting detail, the 3D, or vertical, maneuvering devices the military uses to, like, spiderman their way around to get at the titans, and such great timing and pacing of plot and action that tugs at your emotions and keeps you just as tense as all the action and story in this show. I was stressed and picked at my lips the entire time because I was so invested. The show also really pulls you in because you start to really care about the human characters and if you let yourself, you start to get scared of the titans, too, and who's going to die next, and rooting for the remaining humans to pull through and win, or at least survive.
Damn. Attack on Titan is so freaking intense!
I mean, just look at that picture! And if you have the time to check out it's opening theme song, it's also intense! It's just one intense moment to the next, and every episode is just packed with content. And with every episode, I felt like the show produced more questions then answers keeping the intrigue and mystery levels high (there are so many game changers and plot twists!). If you skip one, you end up feeling lost right from the beginning of the next episode.
So yeah, this show is really good. I don't know if I'd suggest binge-ing on it all in one day like I did, but it's worth a watch if you like gory action, dark plots, end-of-the-world kind of stories, and/or giant ugly titans.
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