Monday, February 1, 2016

Thinking Too Much Again

This is Major Dara to Ground Control,


I just did an all-night karaoke session Saturday night, and Bowie's "Space Oddity" has been stuck in my head all weekend and this Monday morning.  Ah, Bowie, I wish I could have seen you perform, rest in peace,

Anyways, I've been thinking about a bunch of ideas I have for YouTube and this blog, and I really really wish I could get some feedback, just anyone to bounce ideas around with.  You see, I'm still trying to figure out my groove, and like, before, I'm wondering at the purpose of each of the social media I should my YouTube be reviews of books (BookTube) and shows while my blog be about my daily life in Japan and while my Twitter and Instagram just be snapshots of each?  Should I teach Japanese on YouTube or like tips for working in Japan on YouTube or only here on the blog?  Should I have different channels then for each topic on YouTube to better organize what I'm doing?  Does any of it matter at this point with like five people tuning into this blog and my channel?  What could I be doing to maybe make better content or to start more conversations with the people who do look at my stuff?  Is this a conflict of wanting to make things for others versus for myself?  Am I overthinking everything again when I should just stop and just make whatever I feel like making?  And once I find the things I like to make, then everything else will become clearer as far as how to organize my stuffs?

Yeah, maybe I think too much instead of just doing...
I'm sure if you've been reading my posts in the past few months, you'd agree, ha ha.

Okay, so back to actual ideas I can act on.

I just watched the first two episodes of Archer and Jessica Jones, and now I'm wondering if I should do reviews for my first impressions of them.  And if I do a review, should they be here as I have been doing with other shows or should I make videos?  I feel like the videos wouldn't really add anything new since it'd just be me speaking my opinion instead of writing it down.  And it's easier for me to write these blog posts than to film and edit if I want to put out stuff more regularly...hmm...  I also wanted to do this for anime, and I'm wondering again about the format of my review...  Maybe I could focus on a few things to present in the video but have a longer more in-depth review here?  Yeah, then I can direct audience traffic between the two so if people can choose which form they like to for my reviews and suggestions of things.  

I guess, what my purpose is for all these reviews is to provide content that I wanna see.  I started following BookTubers and other reviewers of anime and stuff to get more recommendations for things to read and watch and to get more exposure to my hobbies and then also hopefully to find other people who like the same stuff as me.

Ooooh, I'm feeling inspired!  I'm currently STILL re-reading Cinder and that manga I posted about on Twitter, and I think it'd be fun to try to dress up as a character or in the theme of those books and then just do something quick like The Good, The Bad, and The _____ to focus what I want to talk about and then maybe read a favorite line or something....and theeeeen in my blog post, I can expand on those and do an even nerdier in-depth review...or maybe some kind of creative writing.  Omg, I've got it!  I can already picture what I'd wear from my closet for the manga and what to talk about for the three categories!!

Okay, so if we've got that format, I could do that for each book review to contribute to BookTube, but then for TV shows...should I use the same format?  Or do more of a Wrap-Up style and word vomit all the feelings in short little thingies.... Yes, maybe that is good.  I'll try and see what happens.  I wanna try watching the first few episodes of Durarara! x2 and some other ones that keep popping up as recommendations.

Alrighty then!  So I will stop typing soon so I can back to reading so I can make those videos and write those reviews!

See ya soon!

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