Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Katamaris in my eyes

Since sometime in the early fall of last year (2015), I started to get a weird tiny lump in my eyelid, and I mean in it, like on the underside. It wasn't a stye or pimple or something.  I ignored the one that appeared under my left eyelid since it was small, mostly unnoticeable, and it didn't hurt or impair my vision.  Then later in the fall, close to winter, I noticed another one had appeared, and next thing you know, I entered 2016 with a third bump on my right eyelid.  I realized that I probably should see a doctor about this lumpy business.

I went in January this year to the eye doctor, of course, after researching the shit out of lumpy eyelids, and came away with the seriousness of the situation being none to CANCER.

When I went to the eye doctor, I had my vision and the physical status of my eyes checked out.  Everything was fine.  The eye doctor felt my lumpy eyelids to see if they hurt, and they didn't.  He concluded that these were harmless lumps.  They apparently happen when oils and other dust and dirt collect under the eyelid.  If you wear contact lenses, then it's more likely to happen.  (And I do.  I had been wearing them a lot more often than before and cursed my recent obsession with color contact lenses.)  So yeah, and it was funny because I kept calling them もの and 小さい玉 (things and little balls), and then I noticed the eye doctor called them 塊 (かたまり), which is katamari, as in KATAMARI DAMACY.

Immediately the game's theme song played in my head, and I smiled, which was probably kind of weird, but I know I can call the bumps in my eyelids katamari, and it's kinda fun.

Oh yeah, I found out what the actual term for these katamaris I have, and they are called chalazia (or singularly, chalazion).

After my first visit, my doctor told me to stay out of the pool, not to use contact lenses (only for tiny periods of time if I must wear them), and to come as soon as anything changes negatively like my vision worsens or my eyes hurt.  I was prescribed two different eye drop solutions to apply to my eyeballs four times a day, and, you know, I think these katamaris are getting smaller.  I just went for my third set of eye drops (four weeks later), and the doctor confirmed that they are indeed getting smaller.  It's just gonna take time, like a lot of time, for these things to go away.  So yeah, now I'm getting better and better at applying eye drops and reminded of my favorite Playstation game every day, hee hee.

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